Friday, February 15, 2013

Dungeon Review: Realm of the Underworld Acromancer

Well kiddies Valentines day just passed and my fiance got me a heart shape surprise. What could it be? Well how about a demonic necromancer! Does this woman know true love or what?

Seeing as I already have Hercules I dont think there was any option but have a little fun!

First things first lets see what this little package of necromantic evil comes with. He has a removable metallic helmet called (ready for this?) Helmet of Hades, a rocking chest plate with a evil magic symbol, and what appears to be a wizards staff/battle axe. Lets go with battle staxe.

Compared to Hercules accessory wise he is comparable but who can compare to a fur pelt anyways? I laid them both out and it looks like you get a little more with the son of Zeus. I got no complaints either way because Acromancers Hades helmet is super fun! Now its no secret that I love 80s fantasy so it should be no surprise that I really dig the design of this figure. Come on he is a battle wizard who is ripped. He has a stylish armor plate with a evil magic symbol on his chest. His skin is beat red and he has a skull face! Let me not forget his Helmet of Hades which can fit on Herc. I think my favorite thing about this line is they are all toys that you can play with. I have lots of adult collector figures but after I open them and pose em once thats it. I pretty much put them on my display shelf and call it a day. Im always afraid ill break my collectibles. Not these RotU figures. I cant seem to pass them by without picking em up and playing.... I mean reposing them. I think that is rad. Another thing that strikes it home for me is that this figure really evokes the look of the evil wizards from Savage Sword comic covers. Ill post an example. I cant decide which figure i like more because they are both done so well. Anyway im more than pleased with this offering and think there maybe some archfiends in my future. One final surprise was the trading cards that came with my package! Thats the cherry on my nostalgia treat. Dungeonslinger...

Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Hawtness: Realm of the Underworld Hercules

I was minding my own business (trying to do some work) when I watched a video that featured a line of figures that looked very similar to something I owned as a child.The new line is called Realm of the Underworld and it seems to feature Hercules and a buffed skeleton wizard called the very fitting Acromancer! Also a army of skeletons for good measure.

                      Acromancer.. I have got to get this figure! He is so Metal Van art it hurts.

 Cant have an Arcomancer without an army of skeletons now can you? Ill get to those figs if I find some money to purchase them in the future but for now lets get back to what this line reminded me of.  When I was a kid I had more Masters of the Universe than should be allowed by any one person but it didnt stop there. I was also fascinated by all of the knock off lines and my favorite of thoses was Remco's Warlord line.

Anybody remember these? No well im only 31 so get over yourself! Regardless I loved those figures and the memories I had with them. For some reason when I was a kid even though they were the same size as my Masters figs I never had any cross overs. My Warlord figures stayed in there self contained universe and I loved all of there dragons and dinosaurs all the same. Enough about crusty nostalgia lets get back to 2013 and the new line from Zoloworld!

I love my Masters Classics figures but not in the same way as my original Masters figures. They are new and awesome but thats just it they are present day awesome. They are everything an adult collector could want.When I cracked my Hercules figure sitting at my desk at work today. The plastic smell and feel of the figure really threw me back 25 years. There is some thing simple and awesome about the Hercules figure. The body parts are tight fitting and the accessories are just fun. The Sword of Heroes(cheesy and great) a gold great sword that fits tight in his hand. He also comes with an awesome little dagger that just dangles in his ankle sheath. Its so silly its charming. Im like "Yes, thats the way I remember my figures as a kid!" accessories that kinda hang on for dear life.

                                                       Enjoying a spot on my work desk!

Another thing I like about this figure is how the creators made Hercules black.They were like fuck it he has a giant fur pelt strapped to his chest, a gold Sword of Heroes, a dangly gold dagger  and lets make him black. On a side note everyone who passed my desk today and seen my figure all seemed a little confused about him being black. They where all little too gun shy to come out with it and straight up ask what was up with Herc but I just dont see any real issue. Im half Spanish and Half French(quarter white/quarter black) and I dont have nearly enough fantasy figures that are ethnic without stereo types that were so popular back then. This new Zoloworld figure is much better than the Hercules I had as a kid ill tell you that much.

                                                         Crappy childhood version.

Regardless I love the packaging on these new figures. It really brings me back to those old school fantasy toys, comics and movies that I loved so much as a tyke. All the way down to the mystery figure.
                                                     Looks like Conan is coming soon!

              Just for fun lets look at one of the old Warlord ads so you can catch my drift.

 Regardless I only have one of these new Realm of the Underworld figures and he is an awful lot of fun. I may have to scrounge up some cash and get the rest. Ill let you know if I do come across more of these. Especially with a 2nd wave coming up soon, monsters, and a new line of figures featuring the same characters.

Checkout some of the fun I had with him after work.....
